Boost Profitability
Smart Digitalization unleashes the full potential of multi-channel sales and provides possibility to generate maximized revenue in all phases of the customer journey;
LOWER operating costs
Smart Digitalization provides significant cost savings by reducing the unauthorized service use and minimizes the need of manual labor.
It provides insights for strategic planning and essential information for optimized resource allocation.
increase customer satisfaction
Smart Digitalization makes it easy for the Customers to purchase and redeem available in-house services without cumbersome paper vouchers and tickets. It also increases safety and enables personalized service offering.
Design your own Digital Identifiers
Idactor Online Service provides an easy way to upload your logos and templates to be used as Online identifiers for your customers.
Identifiers are dynamically created for each customer with their own personalized information. It is also possible to show the status of all activated services in real-time.

Works with any mobile device
Send Digital Identifiers to your Customers as:
1) SMS link to the mobile phone
2) Email
3) Integrated into your Application
The Online Identifier contains your chosen template or logo as background, embeded customer data fields, QR- or barcode for online validation, status information about the available services and customer’s point balance, if available.
Idactor IAM Module
Idactor IAM (Identity & Access Management) module provides an affordable and easy way to manage unattended services and access points.
The device is plug-and-play ready for optical and NFC readers, has Wi-Fi and Ethernet connectivity, buzzer for sounds and can control up to two electrical doors / gates / vending machines with the inbuilt relay. The device also has an in-built HDMI interface for displays.
Setup takes only few minutes and managing the device and related services can be done remotely, anywhere, anytime.

Service Redemption
To harness the full potential of the Online Identification Service, you can configure and activate any type of service(s) for your customers and validate the use in real-time.
Services can be quantity, balance and time limited, e.g.:
– Ticket to a flight / boat / ferry / tram / train / event
– Access to VIP area, building, fast-track line, cabinet, toilet
– 10x serial access to Spa, 5x breakfast valid from Mon-Fri
– Season/VIP pass
– Gift Card, with any amount and expiry date
– Freely set prepaid/credit balance
– Attendance registration to a specific class or hobby
– Limited/free access through doors/gates
The service can be integrated via REST API with e-commerce, POS and multi-channel sales to enable high usability and service activation in real-time.

Online Validation
Customer identifiers can be used for validating and registering use of any kind of service, including validating access, registering participation, use of any serial service, registering sales and to control access through ports and
Reading the identifiers and validating them online can be done in following ways:
1) With any regular smartphone, without applications!
2) With your computer using a barcode code scanner or RFID card reader and a regular internet browser
3) With Idactor IAM device connected to electronic lock, gate, vending machine or a display
If you need readers or other devices for Online Service Validation, please check our Online Store offering.
Customer Loyalty and Rewarding
Efficient Customer Loyalty program increases customer engagement and benefits can be easily measured by growth in sales and by the lower acquisition costs (more returning Customers).
Key benefits using Idactor loyalty program are:
- The digital & cloud-based membership cards are always available and can’t get lost
- Ease of identifying the Customers with highest return rate and take actions
- Cooperation with 3rd party systems, e.g., reservations, newsletters, e-commerce.
- Digital Identifiers tailored according to your brand
- Easy to use customer registry
- Collecting and redeeming points
- Freely set membership levels and point multipliers
- Automated level changes and point expiry
- Integration with Newsletter programs
- Seamless integration with e-commerce
- Automated reporting for the key personnel
Benefits of Digital Customer Identifiers:
- Easy to manage, no material or posting costs
- Ecological and sustainable way operating a loyalty program
- Real-time point and service balance available for the Customers
- Monitoring and tracking customer activities in real-time
- Superior customer satisfaction and high enrolment rate

Customer Feedback
Collecting the Customer feedback and listening your customers is a fundamental pillar for the success of your business. Please remember that loyal customers grow your business faster than any sales or marketing effort;
If we never ask for customer feedback, we’ll never understand what drives customer satisfaction.
With the Idactor in-built feedback framework you can:
- Create your own feedback forms using any language and use the desired answer scale.
- Invite customers to feedback process with a personalized email link or with an SMS link. Invitation process can be initiated manually or automated based on customer activity.
- Customer feedback can be combined with the general service reporting, and can provide most common customer experince metrics like NPS and CSAT.

Customer Photo
Now you can add customer photo directly to the identifier or include the photo to the online validation.
This will enable easy creation of different kinds of identification cards and provides additional way to securely identify your customers.
Customer photos can be added to the system in real-time, either individually, with mass-import interface or through easy-to-use REST API.

Digital Business Cards
It is time to say ‘fairwell’ to the non-ecological and cumbersome printed business cards and start using the new digital Business Id -service.
1) Design your own personalized Business Ids (“cards”)
2) Share your Business Id with your contacts via SMS link or email
3) Recipients will see your Business Id in the mobile phone or email, and will reply with their own contact details
4) Manage all your Business Contacts with your Mobile phone – available anywhere 24/7
Publish to Online Store
with One Click
Time of posting plastic cards, handling cash, collecting overdue payments and manually keeping track of customer payments/fees is finally over!
Selling online has never been this easy.
You can sell your services in Idactor Shop or in your own online store, and after successfully completing the payment your customers will automatically receive their personalized identifier to their mobile phone and/or email.
Perfect for all service payments like season cards, annual membership fees, serial passes, tickets, dispensers, vending machines, etc.
Managing Users
Registering new customers and managing your existing customer base has never been so easy as it is with the Idactor Online Service.
New customers can register via personized Online Registration -form that is equipped with your own logo and fields are customized according to your needs.
System provides also convenient way to add multiple customers via easy to use mass load interface; new users can be added with a CSV file or directly with a copy/paste -functionality.
Sending Identifiers and activating services for the customers can be automated so that all new users will receive their online identifier without manual intervention.
Customer data can be also communicated to/from other existing systems via Idactor API.
Reporting, Statistics, Newsletters
Online Identification Service and real-time service validation provides detailed statistical data for monitoring and service tracking purposes.
The system can be integrated with most common Newsletter programs including Mailchimp and Klaviyo. The integration enables seamless and fully automated process to communicate efficiently with your customers.
Convenient and Ecological
Using traditional plastic cards, printed tickets and vouchers is not sustainable and ecological. It is also cumbersome, time consuming and expensive to manage physical customer media.
Digital Identifiers can be used in parallel with any traditional media type, including NFC cards, wristbands, stickers and key-fobs and transition towards full digitalization can be done in phases.
Please contact us for more details.

How it works in practice?

Sounds Difficult?
No worries – We’ll help you.
Just send us your company logo and/or images, and tell what you need.
We’ll setup the service for you without any extra cost.

We are dedicated to reduce the unnecessary use of plastic cards and delivering world-class online service that is sustainable, ecological and carbon-free.
Our global professional partner network assists our new and existing customers with all their needs.
We’d love to hear more about your business and how we can work together.
Please contact us to start the conversation.
Some use cases…

Airlines and airports
- Digital Boarding passes
- Access to Service facilities
- API integration to flight data
- Loyalty and rewarding

Ferrys and cruises
- Digital travel documents
- Validation and tracking for in-house services
- Automated access control
- Ecological, safe and flexible

Trains and transport
- Digital tickets with seating info
- Onboard services
- Integration with e-commerce
- Loyalty and rewarding

buses and taxis
- Tickets in digital format
- No more paper receipts
- Online ticket validation
- Real-time reporting and flexibility

ticketing and events
- Digital tickets and online validation
- Integration with sales and e-commerce
- Combined Access and Services
- Gift cards, check-in for groups, access control to zones/areas
- Identification with customer photo

theaters and cinemas
- Validating access and services: different zones/areas, cloakroom, drinks, meals, snacks
- Suitable for small and large operators
- Real-time reporting

parks and recreation
- Different access types;
one day, multi-day, evening, child, adult, access areas. - Combos for access and services
- Immediate activation for access and services from e-commerce
- Combined operations with legacy media, like wristbands and vouchers

sights and museums
- Online Identifiers integrated with ticket sales and e-commerce
- Prevents queuing and increases safety
- Combine access and in-house services
- Suitable for different access types; single, family, group, multi-site, seasonal, time limited, …

- Replace non-ecological plastic membership cards with sustainable digital identifiers
- Online Validation provides increased security and convenient way to redeem offered services and member-benefits

- Replacing old plastic library cards with carbon-free digital identifiers
- The Online Identifier Service can be integrated with existing applications/services/systems
- Service can be customized with special features like, list of current titles and expiration, reservations and personalized messaging.

road tolls and fees
- Online identification integrated with e-commerce provides convenient way to purchase and prove payments on-the-road.
- Onsite validation can be fully automated or manually assisted
- All pass types; single, serial, weekly, monthly, season, year.

automated services
- Online identifiers are perfect when used with automated services like
– Token based ventilation machines
– Charging Stations
– All kind of dispensers - Services can activated for the customer in real-time
- Service type can be e.g. single, serial, time-limited or unlimited

online certification
- Permanent Digital Storage for all types of certificates
- Creation and management can be automated via API
- Certificates can be displayed with any mobile device without applications
- Ecological and sustainable way to replace plastic and prints

- Access to any sport facilities should be verified and audited.
- All un-authorized access should be prevented for commercial and security reasons.
- Ecological solution to control access; automated or manual.

rental services
- Convenient and fast redemption of reservations
- In-built loyalty program with membership levels&points
- Ecological and sustainable service that provides competitive advantage

communal services
- Service provides convenient way for the clients to identify themselves and redeem the assigned services.
- Provided solution is ecological as it can be used to replace traditional plastic cards.
- System can be easily integrated with other existing systems.

hotels and resorts
- Online Digital Identifiers can be combined with access control or used independently.
- Possibility to activate in-house services, like meals, credit limit for in-house payments, access to facilities (gym, spa, meeting rooms)
- Digital Gift Cards and loyalty

- Digital gift cards, serial cards, credit and prepaid limit.
- Integrated loyalty system and corporate accounts.
- Integration with cash-register, reservation and e-commerce systems is easy with REST API.
- Self-use terminals for fast payments

academic institutions
- Access control, attendance registration, meal services for students, teachers and visitors.
- System can easily be integrated with other in-house systems.
- For monitored access control to classes and after-school activities.

- Increased safety.
- Digital Identifiers can be used to identify legible guardians.
- Registering arrival and departure.
- Ecological, safe and flexible

clubs and hobbies
- Online attendance registration with any smart phone
- Collecting detailed information about participation
- Create bills and pay to salaries to personnel based on actual transactions

care centers
- Self-use terminals for registration
- Online identifiers equipped with photo and personal information
- Health and vaccination passes
- Avoiding queuing for safety
- Using PIN-code for enhanced authentication

cleaning and security
- Online identifier can be used for;
-> Access key to locks and gates
-> Visit times and length of stay
-> Online Certificates
-> Tracking working hours
-> Real-time proofing for visits
-> PIN codes for additional safety

special services
- Online Identification Service can be easily used for activating and redemption of different services targeted for special groups.
- Safe and secured environment for storing health related data and share it only with authorized personnel.
SINCE THE 1950s,
Idactor Ltd.
contact (a)
Tallinn, Estonia: +358 40 1242625
Helsinki, Finland: +358 40 7006946